SFB 991

Publications A03


Vosgerau, G., Tillas, A., Seuchter, T. ‘Making the most of Affordances?’.

Tillas, A. ‘Language as Grist to the Mill of Cognition’.

Tillas, A. ‘Empiricism Vs. Nativism: Making Amends?’.

Tillas, A., Trafford, J. ‘Intuition & Reason: Re-assessing dual-process theories with representational sub-activation’.


To appear

Alex Tillas. Grounding Cognition: The Role of Language in Thinking In: Proceedings of the International Conference Sensory Motor Concepts in Language & Cognition (SMCLC11).

Alex Tillas. Intuitions and Philosophical Inquiry. In: B. Kaldis (Ed.) Mind and Society: Cognitive Science Meets the Philosophy of Social Sciences. Synthese – Springer.

Alex Tillas. How do Ideas Become General in their Signification? In: Edouard Machery, Jesse Prinz, and Jurgis Skilters (Eds.) The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication, Vol. 9, Kansas: New Prairie Press

Alex Tillas & Gottfried Vosgerau. Perception, Action and the Notion of Grounding’, in V. C. Müller (Ed.) Fundamental Issues of Artificial Intelligence, Synthese Library, Springer

Gottfried Vosgerau, Tim Seuchter & Wiebke Petersen. Analyzing Concepts in Action-Frames. In: T. Gamerschlag, R. Osswald, W. Petersen (eds.): Meaning, Frames, and Conceptual Representation, Studies in Language and Cognition. Düsseldorf University Press, Düsseldorf.



Alex Tillas. Social Perception. In: B. Kaldis (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences, SAGE.

Arne Weber & Gottfried Vosgerau. The arche of Cognition – Grounding Representations in Action. In: M. Hoeltje, T. Spitzley & W. Spohn (Hrsg.). Was dürfen wir glauben? Was sollen wir tun? - Sektionsbeiträge des achten internationalen Kongresses der Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie e.V. Online-Veröffentlichung der Universität Duisburg-Essen (DuEPublico) 2013, ISBN 978-3-00-042332-1, 264-277.



Arne Weber & Gottfried Vosgerau. Grounding Action Representations. Review of Philosophy and Psychology 3, 53-69.


Tim Seuchter & Gottfried Vosgerau. Grounding Abstract Concepts: Causal Indexicals and Affordances. In: Kokinov, B., Karmiloff-Smith, A., Nersessian, N. J. (eds.) European Perspectives on Cognitive Science. New Bulgarian University Press

Tim Seuchter. A New Approach to the Grounding of Abstract Concepts. Kriterion Journal for Philosophy, Vol.25, Nr.1, pp.53-63