SFB 991

Publications C03


Beckmann, N.S., Indefrey, P. & Petersen, W. (2018) Words count, but thoughts shift: a frame-based account to conceptual shifts in noun countability. Issues of Cognitive Linguistics (Вопросы когнитивной лингвистики), 2. 79-89


Indefrey, P. (in press) The relationship between syntactic production and comprehension. In: Rueschemeyer, S.-A. & Gaskell, G. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics – 2nd Edition. (pp. 547-564) Oxford University Press, Oxford. [pdf]




Vogt, S. and Indefrey, P. (2017) Metaphernerwerb: eine empirische Studie bei Kindern im Alter von sechs bis vierzehn Jahren. METAPHORIK.DE, 27, 69-106. [link]


Indefrey, P., Şahin, H., and Gullberg, M. (2017) The expression of spatial relationships in Turkish/Dutch bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1-21. [link]



Weber, K., Luther, L., Indefrey, P., and Hagoort, P. (2016) Overlap and differences in brain networks underlying the processing of complex sentence structures in second language users compared to native speakers. Brain Connectivity, 6, 345-355.

Weber, K., Christiansen, M. H., Petersson, K. M., Indefrey, P., and Hagoort, P. (2016) FMRI syntactic and lexical repetition effects reveal the initial stages of learning a new language. Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 6872-6880.


Brenner, D. (2015) Why his mother is better than a mother: Psycholinguistic investigation of concept types & concept type shifts. Dissertation. Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.


Hagoort, P. and Indefrey, P. (2014) The neurobiology of language beyond single words. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 37, 347-3. [link]


Brenner, D., Indefrey, P., Horn, C., and Kimm, N. (2014) Evidence for four basic noun types from a grammatical, pragmatic and psycholinguistic perspective. In: D. Gerland, C. Horn, A. Latrouite, and A. Ortmann (eds.) Meaning and Grammar of Nouns and Verbs. (pp. 21-48). Düsseldorf University Press, Düsseldorf. [link]


FitzPatrick, I. and Indefrey, P. (2014) Head start for target language in bilingual listening. Brain Research, 1542, 111-130. [link]


Davidson, D. J. and Indefrey, P. (2011) Error-related activity and correlates of grammatical plasticity. Frontiers in Psychology, 2:219. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00219.