SFB 991

Publications C09

In press & in preparation

Burnett, H., & P. Sutton. (Accepted)Vagueness and Natural Language Semantics. In: L. Matthewson, C. Meier, H. Rullman and T. E. Zimmermann. Invited contribution to the Blackwell Companion to Semantics. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.

Erbach, K., H. Filip & P. Sutton (Under review). Bare nouns and the Hungarian mass/count distinction. Submitted to the Proceedings of TbiLLC 2017.

Erbach, K. (Accepted). Fighting for a share of the covers. Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2018 Student Session.

Erbach, K. (In preparation). A unified analysis of plural nouns in Greek. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Filip, H. Aspect. Under contract with Oxford University Press.

Filip, H. Counting and Measuring of Nouns and Verbs (working title). Under contract with Cambridge University Press.

Filip, H. “Grammaticalization of Generic Markers.” In: Habituality and Genericity in Flux. A special issue of Linguistics, edited by Nora Boneh and Łukasz Jedrzejowski. 

Filip, H. "Lexical Aspect". (Under final review). In: L. Matthewson, C. Meier, H. Rullman and T.E. Zimmermann. Invited contribution to the Blackwell Companion to Semantics. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.

Sutton, P. & H. Filip (Under review). Coercion: container, contents and measure interpretations. Submitted to OSLa.

Sutton, P. & H. Filip. (Accepted). The count/mass distinction and mass-to-count coercion for ‘granular’ nouns. In Hana Filip (ed.), Counting and Measuring of Nouns and Verbs, Under contract with Cambridge University Press. 

Taylor, S. & P. Sutton. (Accepted). A Frame-Theoretic Model of Bayesian Category Learning.  Proceedings of CoSt16.


Erbach, K., P. R. Sutton, H. Filip, & K. Byrdeck. "Object Mass Nouns in Japanese". In: A. Cremers, T. van Gessel, & F. Roelofsen eds.  Proceedings of the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium. pp 235-244. <Link>

Filip, H. The Semantics of Perfectivity.  Italian Journal of Linguistics 29(1). Pp. 167-200. <publisher's link>

Filip, H. & P. Sutton.  (2017) “Singular Count NPs in Measure Constructions”. In: D. Burgdorf, J. Collard, S. Maspong & B Stefánsdóttir, SALT 27 (Semantics and Linguistic Theory), University of Maryland, College Park, USA. pp. 340-357.  <Link>

Sutton, P. Probabilistic approaches to vagueness and semantic competency. Erkenntnis (online first) <publisher's link>

Sutton, P. & H. Filip. "A probabilistic, mereological account of the mass/count distinction". In: H. Hansen, S. Murray, M. Sadrzadeh &H. Zeevat (eds.),  Logic, Language and Computation, 11th TbiLLC Symposium, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10148. Springer. pp. 146-170 <pdf> <publisher's link>

Sutton, P & H. Filip.  Individuation, reliability, and the Mass/Count Distinction. Journal of Language Modelling 5(2): 303-352. A special issue edited by Robin Cooper and Christian Retoré. <open access publishers link>

Sutton, P., Filip, H. Restrictions on Subkind Coercion in Object Mass Nouns. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21. University of Edinburgh. (In press). <preprint>


Sutton, P., Filip, H. "Countability: Individuation and Context". In: A. Foret, G. Morrill, R. Muskens, R. Osswald, and S. Pogodalla (eds.) Proceedings of Formal Grammar 20th and 21st International conferences. Springer. pp.290-305. <prefinal version> <publisher's link>

Sutton, P., Filip, H. "Counting in context: Count/mass variation and restrictions on coercion in collective artifact nouns". In: Moroney, Mary, Little, Carol-Rose, Collard, Jacob & Burgdorf, Dan (Eds.), Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 26, 350-370. LSA and CLC Publications.  <publisher's link>

Sutton, P., Filip, H. "Mass/count variation, a mereological, two-dimensional semantics". In: S. Rothstein & J Šķilters (Eds.), The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication, Vol. 11. New Prarie Press. pp. 1-45. <publisher's link>

Sutton, P., Filip, H. "Vagueness, overlap, and countability". In: N. Bade, P. Berezovskaya & A. Schöller (eds.) Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 20, University of Tübingen. pp. 730-747.  <semantics archive>


Sutton, P. "Towards a probabilistic semantics for vague adjectives". In: H/ Zeevat and H-C. Schmitz (eds.) Bayesian Natural Language Semantics and Pragmatics. Language, Cognition, and Mind Volume 2. Springer. pp. 221-246.

Zinova, Y. & H. Filip. “Scalar Implicatures of Russian Verbs.” In: Szajbel-Keck, Malgorzata, Burns, Roslyn, & Kavitskaya, Darya (eds.) Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics The First Berkeley Meeting 2014. Michigan Slavic Publications, Ann Arbor, USA. pp. 382-401. 


Zinova, Y. & H. Filip. “Meaning Components in the Constitution of Russian Verbs: Presuppositions or implicatures?” In: T. Snider, S. D'Antonio & M. Weigand (eds.) SALT (Semantics and Linguistic Theory) 24, New York University, New York, USA. pp. 353-372.  

Zinova, Y. & H. Filip.  “The Role of Derivational History in Aspect Determination.” With Yulia Zinova. The 10th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages(FDSL-10), University of Leipzig, Germany.     

Zinova, Y. & H. Filip. “Biaspectual Verbs: A Marginal Category?”. Proceedings of the Tenth Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, edited by Martin Aher, Emil Jerabek, Daniel Hole and Clemens Kupke.  pp. 310-332.