SFB 991

Publications C10

Manuscripts and unpublished

Anderson, C. (2018). Of old couples and important committees: accessing members of groups using modifiers. BRIDGE-18 pre-proceedings.


Anderson, C. and S. Löbner (2018). Roles and the compositional semantics of role-denoting relational adjectives. In U. Sauerland and S. Solt (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22, vol 1, ZASPiL 60. 91-108.

Bladier, T., E. Seyffarth, O. Hellwig, and W. Petersen (2018). AET: Web-based Adjective Exploration Tool for German. In Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). Miyazaki, Japan.


Anderson, C. (2017, to appear). Kinds, epistemic indefinites, and some-exclamatives. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21. (preprint)


Hellwig, O. and W. Petersen (2016). Exploring the value space of attributes: Unsupervised bidirectional clustering of adjectives in German. Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Löbner, S. (2016). Wovon wir reden, wenn wir von Gefühlen reden. In A. Ogawa (Hrsg.), Wie gleich ist, was man ver-gleich-t? Ein internationales Symposium zu Humanwissenschaften Ost und West. Tübingen: Stauffenburg. S. 169-190.


Löbner, S. (2015). Functional Concepts and Frames. In Thomas Gamerschlag, Doris Gerland, Rainer Osswald, Wiebke Petersen (eds.), Meaning, Frames, and Conceptual Representation. Studies in Language and Cognition 2. Düsseldorf University Press, pp. 13-42.

Löbner, S. (2015). The semantics of nominals. In N. Riemer (ed), The Routledge Handbook of Semantics. New York, London: Routledge, pp. 293-302.