SFB 991

Talks & Posters C10


Anderson, C. (forthcoming). Of old couples and important committees: accessing members of groups using modifiers. BRIDGE-18. Sofia, Bulgaria. [pre-proceedings]

Anderson, C. (forthcoming). Of old couples and important committees: accessing members of groups using modifiers. 26th European Society for Philosophy and Psychology Conference. Rijeka, Croatia.

Anderson, C. (2018). Building method-oriented adverbs. Invited talk, SFB 732 Colloquium. Stuttgart.

Anderson, C. (2018). Nominal non-predicating adjectives. Invited talk, SFB 991 Colloquium. Düsseldorf.

Anderson, C., K. Erbach and R. van de Vijver (2018). Intonation and evaluative bias in some-exclamatives. 19th Szklarska Poreba Workshop. Szklarska Poreba, Poland.

Anderson, C. and M. Andreou. (forthcoming). The role of context in disambiguating -er nominalizations. Cognitive Structures 2018 (CoSt18). Düsseldorf.

Anderson, C., O. Hellwig, and W. Petersen. (forthcoming). Automatic clustering and the lexical semantics of cooking adjectives. Cognitive Structures 2018 (CoSt18). Düsseldorf.

Bladier, T., E. Seyarth, O. Hellwig, and W. Petersen (2018). AET: Web-based adjective exploration tool for German. 11th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Miyazaki, Japan.


Anderson, C. (2017). Roles and the semantics of presidential-adjectives. Invited talk, Carleton University. 2 November 2017.

Anderson, C. (2017). The lexical semantics of role-denoting relational adjectives. Poster presented at TABU Dag 38. Groningen, the Netherlands.

Anderson, C. and S. Löbner (2017). The lexical semantics of role-denoting relational adjectives. Sinn und Bedeutung 22, Potsdam/Berlin.

Anderson, C. and S. Löbner (2017). The lexical semantics of role-denoting relational adjectives. TbiLLC 2017, Lagodekhi, Georgia.

Löbner, S. (2017). Cascades, part 2: Cascades of objects: from level-generation to frame-generation. CRC 991 Colloquium. 12 October 2017.


Anderson, C. (2016). Kinds, epistemic indefinites, and some-exclamatives. Sinn und Bedeutung 21. Edinburgh, Scotland.

Anderson, C. and E. Gabrovska (2016). Modification of verbs and deverbal nouns. Presented at the Event Semantics 2016 Workshop, November 25 and 26. Düsseldorf.

Löbner, S. (2016). Surfing the frame net: Metonymy and similar phenomena as evidence for a frame approach to concepts. Invited talk at Glasgow University, Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology. 11 April 2016.

Löbner, S. (2016). Surfing the frame net: Metonymy and similar phenomena as evidence for a frame approach to concepts. Invited talk at the English Linguistics Society of Korea & Korean Society of Language and Information (joint conference), Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. 28 May, 2016.

Löbner, S. (2016). The nominal onion and how to make your way from within to the surface. Invited talk at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. 23 May 2016.


Westburg, A., Gabrovska, E., Koch, K. and W. Petersen (2015). Collocation Based Semantic Clustering of German Adjectives. Presented at the 16th Szklarska Poreba Workshop. Szklarska, Poland.