SFB 991

Talks & Posters D01


12/04 A. Schuster, C. Strößner, P. Sutton, H. Zeevat: Stochastic frames, CRC991 Research Colloquium, Düsseldorf

23/02 A. Schuster, L. Berio: Meaning coordination with mentalised frames, Roots of Pragmasemantics Workshop, Szklarska Poręba

21/02 A. Schuster, C. Strößner, P. Sutton, H. Zeevat: Stochastic frames, Uncertainty in Meaning and Representation in Linguistics and Philosophy Workshop, Jelenia Góra

20/02 P. Thorn: Inheritance Inference from an Ecological Perspective, Annual Meeting for New Frameworks of Rationality Research Program, Etelson

31/01 K. Baraghith, C. Feldbacher-Escamilla, C. Strößner: Cultural Evolution or Social Darwinism? Prospects and Problems of a Generalized Evolutionary Theory. Presentation and round table moderation, The Generalized Theory of Evolution, Düsseldorf


24/10 A. Schuster, L. Berio: Mentalised Prototypes, Colloquium of the DCLPS Düsseldorf

21/09 A. Schuster, L. Berio: Mentalised prototype frames, PLM4 - Fourth Philosophy of Language and Mind Conference, Bochum

21/09 C. Strößner, G. Schurz: Modification and Constraints, PLM4 - Fourth Philosophy of Language and Mind Conference, Bochum

13/09 A. Schuster, C. Strößner: Prototype frames, Probabilistic Approaches to (Prototype) Concepts Workshop, SOPhiA 2017, Salzburg,

22/08 C. Strößner: The Rationality of Predicate Change, Ninth European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 9), Munich

14/08 A. Schuster: Regaining Meaning Stability via Evolutionary Prototype Frames, European Society for Philosophy and Psychology 2017, Hertfordshire

14/08 C. Strößner: Frames, Constraints and Modification, 25th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Hertfordshire

11/05 C. Strößner: Logik und Kognition, Frege Zentrum, Wismar

02/05 C. Strößner: Frames and Conceptual Spaces, Colloquium of the DCLPS Düsseldorf

03/03 A. Schuster, L. Berio: Mentalised Prototypes, Roots of Pragmasemantics Workshop, Szklarska Poręba

31/01 A. Schuster: Ways to approach diagnosticity, Colloquium of the DCLPS Düsseldorf 

17/01 P. Thorn: The Simultaneous Aggregation of Beliefs and Degrees of Belief. Philosophy Department, University of Bayreuth.


03/12 C. Strößner: What can we infer from typicality? Celebratory Colloquium in Honor of Gerhard Schurz, Düsseldorf

02/12 P. Thorn: The Simultaneous Aggregation of Beliefs and Degrees of Belief. Celebratory Colloquium in Honor of Gerhard Schurz, Düsseldorf

17/09 C. Strößner, A. Schuster, G. Schurz: Modification and Default Inheritance, Cognitive Structures Düsseldorf

09/09 A. Schuster: Explaining Fuzzy Concepts with Prototype Frames, SOPhiA 2016, Salzburg

11/08 P. Thorn: Attractivity Weighting. Take-the-Best's Foolproof Sibling. Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Philadelphia.

24/08 C. Strößner: Constraints: Theory and Experiments, Workshop on Reasoning in Conceptual Spaces, Stockholm

28/06 C. Strößner: Default Inheritance, Workshop on reasoning in conceptual spaces, Amsterdam

24/05 A. Schuster, C. Strößner: Prototypeframes, Theory and Experiment, Colloquium of the DCLPS Düsseldorf 

23/05 C. Strößner: Probabilities in Prototype Frames, Workshop on probabilities in frames, Düsseldorf

11/03 P. Thorn: The Stimulus-Perception Connection. Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP), Düsseldorf.

07/01 C. Strößner: Hässliche Einhörner und Planet Pluto, Kaminabend of the ZLWWG, Rostock