CRC 991

Talks & Posters B02


Jens Fleischhauer, Thomas Gamerschlag & Wiebke Petersen. 2015. A frame analysis of the interplay of grammar and cognition in emission verbs. Talk given at the Workshop 'Formal Semantics Meets Cognitive Semantics’, Nijmegen, January 22, 2015



Thomas Gamerschlag, Wilhelm Geuder & Wiebke Petersen. 2014. Movement in frames: On German 'steigen' 'rise/climb'. Talk given at the Sixth International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, Erlangen, September 29–October 2. 

Liane Ströbel. 2014. How do we conceive and store actions and which parameters are at play? Talk given at the Sixth International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, Erlangen, September 29–October 2.

Liane Ströbel. 2014. L’influence du concept de source. Une analyse contrastive des extensions et des restrictions sémantiques du verbe 'monter'. Talk given at Colloque International Langage et Analogie. Figement. Polysémie, Granada, September 17–19.

Jens Fleischhauer, Thomas Gamerschlag & Wiebke Petersen. 2014. Bleeding, droning and yowling in(to) frames. Talk given at the Fourth Conference on Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition and Science, Düsseldorf, August 25–27. [slides/PDF]

Liane Ströbel. 2014.  The architecture of source domains or how source domains shape our languages. Talk given at the 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Lancaster, July 29–31.

Thomas Gamerschlag, Wilhelm Geuder & Wiebke Petersen. 2014. Analyzing verb polysemy in frames: A case study of German steigen 'rise/climb'. Talk given at the 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Lancaster, July , July 29–31. [link/PDF]

Liane Ströbel. 2014. How predictable is language change? Talk given at 21. LIPP-Symposium: Sprachinnovation, Motivation, Erscheinungsformen, Verlauf, München, July 2–4.

Sebastian Löbner. 2014. Worüber wir sprechen, wenn wir über Gefühle sprechen. Invited talk given at the Kolleg Humboldt Stiftung, Kyoto, March 1–3.



Sebastian Löbner. 2013. Sub-compositionality. Invited talk given at the 25th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Düsseldorf, August 13.



Jens Fleischhauer & Thomas Gamerschlag. 2012. Change of state verbs and scalar underspecification. Talk given at the Third Conference on Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition and Science, Düsseldorf, August 22–24.

Thomas Gamerschlag, Wiebke Petersen & Liane Ströbel. 2012. I’m still standing: A frame account of the polysemous meanings of posture verbs referring to standing. Talk given at the Third Conference on Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition and Science, Düsseldorf, August 22–24.

Liane Ströbel. 2012. Le prix de l’essence monte (The price of gasoline rises) – A look at the semantic complexity of French verbs of value change. Talk given at the Third International Conference on Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science, Düsseldorf, August 22–24.

Thomas Gamerschlag & Wiebke Petersen.2012. Decomposing posture verbs into frame attributes. Talk given at the 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, London, July 10–12. [link/PDF]

Liane Ströbel. 2012. Semantische Asymmetrien im Sprachvergleich. Talk given at 4. Tagung Semantik & Pragmatik im Südwesten, Tübingen, May 11–12.

Liane Ströbel. 2012. Sprache & Gedanken – Spurensuche nach einem gemeinsamen Ursprung. Talk presented at XXVIII. Forum Junge Romanistik: Spuren. Suche (in) der Romania, Graz, April 18–21.

Liane Ströbel. 2012. Addition & Subtraktion – Methoden zur semantischen Abgrenzung und Definition von Verben mit Hilfe des Sprachvergleichs. Talk given at Limes VIII, Tübingen, March 15–17.



Liane Ströbel. 2011. Grenzen und Spielräume der Wahrnehmung – eine typologische Analyse von Bewegungs-, Kontakt- und Lokationsverben. Talk given at 16. LIPP-Symposium: Perzeptive Linguistik: Phonetik – Semantik – Variation, München, November 25–26.

Liane Ströbel. 2011. Sprache, Rede & Kognition – am Beispiel von verbos leves. Talk given at Lusitanistentag, Wien, November 14–17.

Thomas Gamerschlag, Wiebke Petersen & Liane Ströbel. 2011. Sitting, standing, and lying in frames: A frame-based approach of stative verbs of location. Talk given at the Ninth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Kutaisi, September 26–30. [link/PDF]

Liane Ströbel. 2011. Sensomotorische Strategien & Sprachwandel. Talk given at XXXII. Romanistentag, Berlin, September 25–28.

Liane Ströbel & Hanno Heuel. 2011. Kontrastive Analyse zur Funktionalität von Bewegungsverben und Semiperiphrasen anhand des LCM-Modells. Talk given at XXXII. Romanistentag, Berlin, September 25–28.

Liane Ströbel. 2011. Verbale Quellkonzepte / Salient verbal source domains. Talk given at FFF-Forschungskolloquium, Düsseldorf, June 7.

Sebastian Löbner. 2011. Bleeding, suffering, limping, cursing – verb gradation, compositionality, semantics, cognition,and life. Invited talk given at SFB 673 Colloquium, Universität Bielefeld, May 9.

Sebastian Löbner. 2011. The gradation of verbs and subcompositionality. Invited talk given at the workshop 'Scalarity in verb-based constructions', Düsseldorf, April 7.

Liane Ströbel. 2011. Fallstudie des Verbs 'monter'. Talk given at Limes VII, Eichstätt, March 10–12.