CRC 991

Publications B03


Niccolai, V., Klepp, A., Indefrey, P., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2017) Semantic discrimination impacts tDCS modulation of verb processing. Scientific Reports 7, 17162: 1-11. [pdf]

Klepp , A., Niccolai, V., Sieksmeyer, J., Arnzen, S., Indefrey, P., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2017) Body-part specific interactions of action verb processing with motor behaviour. Behavioural Brain Research 328: 149-158.


Cao, L., Klepp, A., Schnitzler, A., Gross, J. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (published online June 21, 2016) Auditory perception modulated by word reading. Experimental Brain Research. [html] [pdf]

Niccolai, V., van Dijk, H. Franzkowiak, S., Finis, J., Südmeyer, M., Jonas, M., Thomalla, G., Siebner, H.R. Müller-Vahl, K., Münchau, A., Schnitzler, A., & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2016) Increased beta rhythm as an indicator of inhibitory mechanisms in Tourette syndrome. Movement Disorders 31(3): 384-392.


Klepp, A., Niccolai, V., Buccino, G., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2015). Language-motor interference reflected in MEG beta oscillations. Neuroimage 109: 438-448.


Niccolai, V., Klepp, A., Weissler, H., Hoogenboom, N., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (accepted 22.08.2014) Grasping Hand Verbs: Oscillatory Beta and Alpha Correlates of Action-Word Processing. PloS One 9(9): e108059. [html]

Klepp, A., Weissler, H. Niccolai, V., Terhalle, A., Geisler, H., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2014) Neuromagnetic hand and foot motor sources recruited during action verb processing. Brain & Language 128: 41-52. [pubmed link]

Thomalla, G., Jonas, M., Bäumer, T., Siebner, H.R., Biermann-Ruben, K., Ganos, C., Orth, M., Hummel, F.C., Gerloff, C., Müller-Vahl, K., Schnitzler, A. & Münchau, A. (2014) Costs of control: decreased motor cortex engagement during a Go/NoGo task in Tourette's syndrome. Brain 137 (Pt1): 122- 136. [pubmed link]


Hirschmann, J., Hartmann, C. J., Butz, M., Hoogenboom, N., Özkurt, T. E., Elben, S., Vesper, J., Wojtecki, L. & Schnitzler, A. (2013) A direct relationship between oscillatory subthalamic nucleus-cortex coupling and rest tremor in Parkinson's disease. Brain 136 (12): 3659-3670. [pubmed link


Biermann-Ruben, K., Miller, A., Franzkowiak, S., Paszek, J., Pollok, B., Wach, C., Südmeyer, M., Jonas, M., Thomalla, G., Münchau, A., Müller-Vahl, K. & Schnitzler, A. (2012) Increased sensory feedback in Tourette Syndrome. Neuroimage 63(1): 119-125. [pubmed link]

Niccolai, V., Wascher, E. & Stoerig, P. (2012). Distinct neural processes in grapheme-colour synaesthetes and semantic controls. Eur J Neurosci 36 , 3593-3601. [pubmed link]