CRC 991

Talks & Posters B03


Biermann-Ruben, K., Klepp, A., Niccolai, V. & Schnitzler, A. (2018) Action verb – reaction – interaction: behavioural and brain data. Invited by Markus Kiefer, Symposium: Sensory and motor foundations of conceptual cognition, TeaP, Marburg, Germany, March 11th-14th.


Bekemeier, N., Brenner, T., Biermann-Ruben, K. & Indefrey, P. (2017) The Processing of Conceptual Shifts:an ERP Study. Poster presented at the 9th International Conference of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (official satellite of SFN), Maryland, USA, November 8 – 10.

Klepp, A. (2017) Verb-motor interactions – do “boxing” and “knitting” prime hand actions equally?” Talk presented at the international workshop: The motor system in action; Potsdam, Germany; invited by Claudia Gianelli & Riccardo Dalla Volta, March 9-10.

Niccolai, V. (2017) The embodied language: a verbal-motor cross-talk. Invited by Jessica Saenger, Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf.


Klepp, A., van Dijk, H., Niccolai, V., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2016) Oscillatory signatures of hand and foot verb-movement congruency in a double dissociation paradigm. Poster presented at the 20th International Conference on Biomagnetism (Biomag), Seoul, Korea, October 1-6.

Sieksmeyer, J., Klepp, A., Niccolai, V., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2016) Influence of manner adverbs on action verb processing. Talk presented at Cognitive Structures, Duesseldorf, September 15-17.

Niccolai, V. (2016) Oscillatory indicators of inhibitory mechanisms in Tourette syndrome. Invited by Christian Bellebaum, Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf.

Niccolai, V., Korczok, S.V., van Dijk, H., Franzkowiak, S., Finis, J., Südmeyer, M., Jonas, M., Thomalla, G., Siebner, H.R., Müller-Vahl, K., Münchau, A., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2016) Brain oscillatory signatures of compensatory mechanisms in Tourette syndrome. Poster presesented at the 9th European Conference on Tourette Syndrome and Tic disorders, Warsaw, Poland, June 8-11.

Biermann-Ruben, K. (2016) Assessment probabilities serving as device to implement attributes. Invited by Henk Zeevat & Ruben Van de Vijver, talk at the workshop Probabilities and Frames, Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf, Germany, May 23.

Biermann-Ruben, K. & Niccolai, V. (2016) Sensorimotor interaction in tourette syndrome. Symposium hosted at the Conference of the German Society for Clinical Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging (DGKN), Düsseldorf, Germany, March 16-19.

Niccolai, V., Klepp, A., Indefrey, P., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2016) Modulatory effect of motor cortex stimulation on semantic priming. Poster presented at the Conference of the German Society for Clinical Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging (DGKN), Düsseldorf, Germany, March 16-19.


Biermann-Ruben, K. (2015) Sensorimotor contribution to language processing. Invited by Tobias Kalenscher, Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf.

Niccolai, V., Klepp, A., Indefrey, P., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2015) Modulatory effect of motor cortex stimulation on semantic priming. Poster presented at the Conference for Embodied and Situated Language (ESLP), Lyon, France, July 29-30.

Klepp, A., Niccolai, V., Indefrey, P., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2015) Priming of hand and foot motor reactions by reading action verbs. Poster presented at the Conference for Embodied and Situated Language (ESLP), Lyon, France, July 29-30.

Cao, L., Klepp, A., Schnitzler, A., Gross, J. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2015) Auditory perception modulated by word reading. Poster presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 12-14.


Niccolai, V., Franzkowiak, S., Finis, J., Südmeyer, M., Jonas, M., Thomalla, G.,, Siebner, H.R., Müller-Vahl, K., Münchau, A., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2014) Oscillatory characteristics of Tourette patients compared to matched controls. Poster presented at the MEG-Symposium Tübingen, Germany, October 27-28.

Klepp, A., Niccolai, V., Buccino, G., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2014) Interferenz zwischen Verbverarbeitung und Motorik moduliert durch Vorstellbarkeit. Poster presented at the Conference of German Psychological Society (DGPS), Bochum, Germany September 21-25.

Sieksmeyer, J., Klepp, A., Niccolai, V., Indefrey, P., Schnitzler, A., & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2014) Motor priming by action-related verbs. Talk presented at the 4th international conference on Concept Types and Frames, Düsseldorf, Germany, August 25-27.

Klepp, A., Niccolai, V., Buccino, G., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2014) Language-motor interference reflected in beta oscillations. Poster presented at the 19th international Conference on Biomagnetism, Halifax, Canada August 24-28.

Klepp, A., Niccolai, V., Buccino, G., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2014) Language-motor interference reflected in MEG beta oscillations. Poster presented at the 20th Human Brain Brain Mapping Conference, Hamburg, Germany, June 8-12.

Niccolai, V., Franzkowiak, S., Finis, J., Südmeyer, M., Jonas, M., Thomalla, G., Siebner, H., Müller-Vahl, K., Münchau, A., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2014) Neural oscillatory evidence of compensatory inhibitory mechanism in Tourette patients. Poster presented at the 58th Congress of the German society for clinical neurophysiology and functional imaging (DGKN), Berlin, Germany, March 20-23; Klinische Neurophysiologie 45 – P62.


Klepp, A., Niccolai, V., Buccino, G., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2013) Interference of action verb processing with motor responses is modulated by imageability. Talk presented at the 6th annual Conference on Embodied and Situated Language Processing (ESLP), Potsdam, Germany, July 29-31. [Abstract in Conference Proceedings up Transfer p. 9-10]

Klepp, A., Weissler, H., Niccolai, V., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2013) Motorische Dipolquellen erfassen Verarbeitung von Aktionsverben. Poster presented at the 57th annual Congress of the German society for clinical neurophysiology and functional imaging (DGKN), Leipzig, Germany, March 21-23; Klinische Neurophysiologie 44 – P106.

Niccolai, V., Klepp, A., Weissler, H., Hoogenboom N., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2013) Motorkortikale Modulationen im Beta-Frequenzband durch Aktionsverben. Poster presented at the 57th annual Congress of the German society for clinical neurophysiology and functional imaging (DGKN), Leipzig, Germany, March 21-23; Klinische Neurophysiologie 44 – P107.


Klepp, A., Niccolai, V., Weissler, H., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2012) Beta band modulation by silent action verb reading. Poster presented at the Donders Discussions, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, October 25-26.

Weissler, H., Klepp, A., Niccolai, V., Schnitzler, A. & Biermann-Ruben, K. (2012) Neural activation to actions performed with hands and legs – real movements versus action verb reading. Talk presented at the 3rd International Conference on Concept Types & Frames in Language, Cognition & Science, Duesseldorf, Germany, August 22-24. [Slides/PDF]

Klepp, A. (2012) Cognitive processing of action-related German verbs. Talk presented at the Typologica, Düsseldorf, Germany, July 19-21.


Miller, A., Biermann-Ruben, K., Franzkowiak, S., Paszek, J., Pollok, B., Münchau, A. & Schnitzler, A. (2011) Bereitschaftsfeld beim Tourette-Syndrom (Bereitschaftsfeld in Tourette Syndrome). Poster presented at the 2nd Congress of the Medical Research School, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 17th.

Biermann-Ruben, K., K., Miller, A., Franzkowiak, S., Paszek, J., Pollok, B., Jonas, M., Thomalla, G., Münchau, A., Schnitzler, A. (2011) Verstärkte sensorische Rückmeldung nach eigener Bewegung beim Tourette Syndrom (Enhanced sensory feedback in tourette syndrome) Poster presented at the 55th annual Congress of the German society for clinical neurophysiology and functional imaging (DGKN), Münster, Germany, March 16-19.