CRC 991

B09 Events


Event Semantics 2016 Workshop

The 13th Event semantics workshop will be hosted by the CRC 991 at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf.

Event Semantics series is a network meeting of people in Germany working in the areas of event semantics and/or verb semantics.
Traditionally, there is a key topic which may be followed strictly or rather loosely. This year we would like to emphasise the topic "modification" and especially invite papers on events and the semantics of modification in a theoretical perspective or specifically the semantics of (for instance) adjectives, adverbs, or PPs that occur in the environment of event denoting expressions. Ideally, we would try to make room for all talks that are proposed, and set up the programme on a first come-first served basis. Work in progress is welcome.

- Workshop dates: November 25th - 26th, 2016