CRC 991

Talks & Posters C04



Susanna Melkonian & Daniel Altshuler. Taxis, contingency and imperfectivity. Talk to be presented at the international linguistic conference Linguistic Heritage and Development of Yu. S. Maslov's Ideas, Saint Petersburg State University, 20.11.2014.

Susanna Melkonian. Sensory-motor result representations of (French) artefact terms. Talk given at the conference Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition and Science, CTF' 14, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 27.08.2014.

Susanna Melkonian. The Evolution of Productive Action Concepts. Talk given at 15th Szklarska Poreba Workshop on Aspect and Meaning in the Brain, near Szklarska Poreba, (Poland) 23.02.2014.


Susanna Melkonian. Are Cultural Concepts shaped by the Making of Objects? A Philosophical Hypothesis based on Linguistic Evidence. Talk given at 1st UCL Graduate Conference in Linguistics, University College London, 07.11.2013.

Susanna Melkonian. Gaining Concepts by Productive Action? Poster presented at the conference Investigating Semantics. Empirical and Philosophical Approaches, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. 11.10.2013. [poster/PDF]