CRC 991

Publications D01


Strößner, C. & Schurz G. (forthcoming): "The role of reasoning and pragmatics in the modifier effect". Cognitive Science

Strößner. C. (forthcoming): "Existential Import, Aristotelian Logic, and its Generalizations". Studia Logica

Strößner, C. (2019): "The normative force of logical and probabilistic reasoning in improving beliefs". Theoria 6

Strößner, C., Schuster A. & Schurz G.: "Modification and default inheritance" in Löbner S., Gamerschlag, T., Kalenscher T., Schrenk, M & H. Zeevat (eds): Cogntive Structures - linguistic, philosophical, and psychological perspectives, Springer


Strößner, C.: “The Logic of ‘Most’ and ‘Mostly’”. Axiomathes 28.1. 107-124. Link


Schurz, G. & Adams, E. 2017. Measure-Entailment and Support in the Logic of Approximate Generalization. In C. De Florio & A. Giordani (eds.): From Arithmetic to Metapyhsics (Festschrift for Sergio Galvan), W. de Gruyter, Berlin 2017, 309-340. Link

Thorn, P.: “On the preference for more specific reference classes”. Synthese 194 (6): 2025-2051. Link 

Thorn, P.: “Against Deductive Closure”, Theoria, 83(2), 103-119. Link


Thorn, P. & Schurz, G.: "Qualitative Probabilistic Inference under Varied Entropy Levels", Journal of Applied Logic 19, 87-101. Link

Schuster, A.: "Prototype Frames: Theories of Concepts and their Empirical Evidence", Master's thesis, unpublished manuscript.


Schurz, G: Wahrscheinlichkeit, de Gryuter, Berlin und New Yok 2015. Link

Strößner, C.: "Normality and Majority: Towards a Statistical Understanding of Normality Statements", Erkenntnis 80 (4), 793-809. Link

Thorn, P., Eichhorn, C., Kern-Isberner, G. & Schurz, G.: "Qualitative Probabilistic Inference with Default Inheritance", in C. Beierle, G. Kern-Isberner, M.  Ragni and F. Stolzenburg (eds): Proceedings of the KI 2015 Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning. Link

Thorn, P.: “The Inheritance of Defaults in the Case of Exceptional Subclasses”, The Reasoner 9 (11), 93. Link


Schurz, G.: "Cognitive Success: Instrumental Justifications of Normative Systems of Reasoning", Frontiers in Psychology (Section Cognitive Science), Vol. 5. Link

Thorn, P. & Schurz, G.: "A Utility Based Evaluation of Logico-probabilistic Systems", Studia Logica 102 (4), 2014, 867-890. Link 

Strößner, C.: Die Logik der Normalität. Untersuchungen zur Semantik von Normalitätsurteilen, LOGOS De Gruyter. Link

Votsis, I., & G. Schurz 2012. A frame-theoretic analysis of two rival conceptions of heat. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 43(1), 105-114. Link


Thorn, P. & Schurz, G.: "Ampliative Inference Under Varied Entropy Levels". In C. Beierle & G. Kern-Isberner (eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief (DKB-2013), FernUniversität in Hagen. 77-88. Link

Strößner, C.: "Statistical and Non-Statistical Normality", in: Hoeltje, M., Spitzley, T. & Spohn, W. (eds.): Was dürfen wir glauben? Was sollen wir tun? - Sektionsbeiträge des achten internationalen Kongresses der Gesellschaft für analytische Philosophie e.V. DuEPublico. Link


Schurz, G.: "Prototypes and their Composition from an Evolutionary Point of View", in: Hinzen, W., Machery, E., & Werning, M. (Eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Compositionality, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford 2012, 530-553. Link

Schurz, G. & Thorn, P.: "Reward versus Risk in Uncertain Inference: Theorems and Simulations”, Review of Symbolic Logic 5/4,  574-612. Link

Schurz, G. & Votsis I.: “Reconstructing Scientific Theory Change by Means of Frames”, in: Gamerschlag, Th., Gerland, D., Osswald, R., Petersen, W. (eds): Frames and Concept Types, 93-109. Link