CRC 991

Prof. Gottfried Vosgerau:

Sep '15        

'Mental representations and concepts' (together with A. Newen)
International Workshop “Mental Representations. The foundation of cognitive science?”, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Sep '15        

'The relation between cognitive and linguistic structures' (together with W. Petersen)
EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science, Turin (Italien).

Samuel D. Taylor:

Nov '17

'Concepts and Naturalism' Spotlight Talk, OZSW 17, Landgoed Zonheuvel, Doorn, Utrecht University

Sep '17

'Beyond the What is Said Debate: Towards a Theory of Communicative Success' Fourth Philosophy of Language and Mind Conference, Bochum University

May '17

'The Representational Action Approach to Semantics: From Utterance to Content'
Guest Speaker, Propositions and Cognitive/Linguistic Action Conference, Heinrich-Heine University Dusseldorf

Jan '17

'Utterance and Content: Towards a Representational Action Approach to What is Said'
Invited Talk, Theoretical Philosophy Lecture Series, Utrecht University

Dec' 16

‘Conceptualising the Minimalist vs. Contextualist Dispute in Truth-Conditional Semantics’
OZSW Conference 2016, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Sep ‘16    

‘What Can Frames Teach Us About Socio-Cognitive Development?’
Cognitive Structure 2016, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Apr ‘16        

'Frames and Socio-Cognitive Development: Is a Simplicity-Theoretic Account of Changes to Cognitive Structures Possible?’
Internal Workshop "Frames and Probabilities", Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.

Leda Berio:


Berio, L. and Schuster, A. 'Mentalised Evolutionary Prototypes', Bochum PLM4, Conference, Germany

Berio L., Latrouite A., Van Valin R., Vosgerau G. , 'Immediate and General Common Ground', Paris Context2017 Conference, France

Berio, L. and Schuster, A. 'Mentalised Prototypes', Roots of Pragmasemantics Workshop. Szklarska Poręba, Poland.


Berio, L. 'Analysing the Problem of the Influence of Language on Thought', Cost2016, Conference. Düsseldorf, Germany.

Berio, L. 'Embodied Semantics and the Problem of Abstract Concepts', MODELACT Conference, Rome, Italy