Am Mittwoch, dem 21. November, findet ein öffentlicher Vortrag im Rahmen der Forschergruppe statt.

Vortragende: Kirsten Jungersen

Thema: Reception of Uroscopy in Scandinavia, a case story

It is possible to limit the use of uroscopy in Scandinavia to the period from 1450 to around 1600, or perhaps from 1557 when "Spiegel der Arznei" by Lorenz Fried (1489-1531) was translated into Danish by Henrik Smith, a practising physician. Another textbook of medicine, which included uroscopy, appeared in 1596. That was a translation into Danish of Ortolf von Baierland's "Arzneibuch" by a Danish surgeon, Hans Christensen Bartsker.
Petrus Forestus's book, "De incerto, fallci urinarum iudicio, quo uromantes---", from 1589 was acquired by a Danish physician. It warns against the misuse of uroscopy by judging the urine in the house of the physician, rather than at the bedside of the sick person. Petrus Forestus attributes the misuse to translations to vernacular languages of the professional secrets of medicine.

Zur Person:
Date of birth 1935, M.A. in classical philology 1961. Associated researcher at Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen from 1999. Publications on Hippocrates, uroscopy in the Middle Ages and Danish patient records from around 1800.

Veranstalter: FFF-Forschergruppe Funktionalbegriffe und Frames

Ort: Forschungszentrum der Philosophischen Fakultät (Raum

Beginn: 14:15