Dr. des. Wiebke Petersen & Jens Fleischhauer: "Eine Frame basierte Analyse synästhetischer Metaphern"

The aim of this talk is to use a frame-based account to explain some empirical findings concerning the accessibility of synaesthetic metaphors. We claim that, in general, the same strategies are applied for processing metaphorical and non-metaphorical (compositional) expressions. Therefore, some results of former empirical studies will be discussed with regard to how far it matters whether the concept of the source domain in a synaesthetic metaphor is a scalar or a quality concept. Furthermore, typed frames are introduced, and it is explained how the notion of a minimal upper attribute can be used in the analysis of adjective-noun phrases. Finally, frames are used to analyze synaesthetic metaphors, and it turns out that they offer an adequate basis for the explanation of different accessibility rates found in empirical studies.