SFB 991

Publications C01


To appear

Doris Gerland. A possible source for definiteness: possessor markers in Uralic. In: Luc Steels, Freerk van de Velde & Remi van Trijp (eds.): How Grammaticalization creates Grammar. Proceedings of Evolang X, Vienna.

Sebastian Löbner.  The semantics of nominals. In: Nick Riemer (ed.) Handbook of Semantics. New York, London: Routledge.[link]

Albert Ortmann. Uniqueness and Possession: Typological Evidence for Type Shifts in Nominal Determination. In: M. Aher, D. Hole, E. Jerabek & C. Kupke (eds.) Logic, language, and computation. 10th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation, TbiLLC 2013. Berlin a.o.: Springer.  (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). [preprint/PDF]



Löbner, S. (2014)  Evidence for frames from natural language. In: T. Gamerschlag et al. (eds.) Frames and concept types: Applications in Language and Philosophy. Heidelberg:  Springer. [link]

Gerland, Doris (2014) Definitely not possessed? Possessive suffixes with definiteness marking function. In Gamerschlag, Thomas, Doris Gerland, Rainer Osswald & Wiebke Petersen (eds.): Frames and Concept Types. Applications in Language, Cognition and Philosophy. Dordrecht: Springer. [link]

Gerland, Doris, Christian Horn, Anja Latrouite & Albert Ortmann (eds.) (2014) Meaning and Grammar of Nouns and Verbs. Düsseldorf: dup. [link]

Ortmann, Albert (2014) Definite article asymmetries and concept types: semantic and pragmatic uniqueness. In: T. Gamerschlag, D. Gerland, R. Osswald & W. Petersen (eds.) Frames and concept types: Applications in Language and Philosophy, 293-321.Dordrecht: Springer. [link]

Ortmann, Albert & Doris Gerland (2014) She loves you, -ja, -ja, -ja: objective conjugation and pragmatic possession in Hungarian. In Gerland, Doris, Christian Horn, Anja Latrouite & Albert Ortmann (eds.): Meaning and Grammar of Nouns and Verbs. Düsseldorf: dup. [link]



Löbner, S. (2013)  Understanding semantics, 2nd edition. Chapter 4: Meaning and context. New York, London: Routledge.[link]



Löbner, S. (2011)  Concept types and determination. Journal of Semantics 28: 279-333. [link]

Ortmann, Albert (2011) Anti-agreement with subject and possessors from a typological perspective: A case for null-pronouns or for economy? In Melani Wratil & Peter Gallmann (eds.): Null Pronouns. Berlin: de Gruyter. [link]