SFB 991

C02: Publications



Czardybon, Adrian (submitted): The distribution and article status of tyn in Upper Silesian.

Czardybon, Adrian & Christian Horn (submitted): Annotation of related properties in unrelated languages - adaptation and modification of a German noun type annotation procedure to Polish.

Horn, Christian (submitted): Linguistic congruency of nominal concept types in German texts.


To appear/Accepted

Hellwig, Oliver & Wiebke Petersen (to appear): Detecting Relational Constructions in German Texts Automatically. To appear in Proceedings of Konvens 2014.



Brenner, Dorothea; Indefrey, Peter; Horn, Christian & Nicolas Kimm (2014): Evidence for four basic noun types from a corpus-linguistic and a psycholinguistic perspective. In: Gerland, Doris; Horn, Christian; Latrouite, Anja & Albert Ortmann (eds.): Meaning and grammar of nouns and verbs. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press. [Link]

Czardybon, Adrian; Hellwig, Oliver; Petersen, Wiebke (2014): Statistical Analysis of the Interaction between Word Order and Definiteness in Polish. In: Adam Przepiórkowski & Maciej Ogrod-niczuk (eds.). Proceedings of PolTAL 2014. Springer.

Czardybon, Adrian & Jens Fleischhauer (2014): Definiteness & perfectivity in telic incremental theme predications. In: Gerland, Doris; Horn, Christian; Latrouite, Anja & Albert Ortmann (eds.): Meaning and grammar of nouns and verbs. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press. [Link]

Gerland, Doris; Horn, Christian; Latrouite, Anja & Albert Ortmann (2014): Meaning and grammar of nouns and verbs. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press. [Link]

Horn, Christian & Nicolas Kimm (2014): Concept types in German fictional texts. In: Gamerschlag, T.; Gerland, D.; Osswald, R. & Petersen, W. (eds.): Concept Types and Frames. Applications in Language and Philosophy. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy. Dordrecht, NL: Springer. [Link]

Petersen, Wiebke & Osswald, Tanja (2014): Concept Composition in Frames – Focusing on Genitive Constructions. In: Gamerschlag, T.; Gerland, D.; Osswald, R. & Petersen, W. (eds.): Concept Types and Frames. Applications in Language and Philosophy. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy. Dordrecht, NL: Springer. [Link]



Horn, Christian; Löbner, Sebastian & Markus Werning (guest editors) (2012): Semantic contributions to a theory of concepts. Journal of Semantics, 29(4). [Link]

Petersen, W. and Osswald, T. (2012): A Formal Interpretation of Concept Types and Type Shifts. In: Kosecki, K. and Badio, J. (eds.), Cognitive Processes in Language, Łódź Studies in Language, 25, p. 183–191, Peter Lang. Frankfurt.



Kimm, Nicolas & Christian Horn (2011): Nominal Associative Anaphors – A Text-Based Analysis at the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface. In: Iris Hendrickx, Sobha Lalitha Devi, António Branco, and Ruslan Mitkov (eds.): Anaphora and Reference Resolution. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 7099. Berlin: Springer. 108–118. [Link]