SFB 991


Talks & Posters C09



Anderson, C., K. Erbach and R. van de Vijver Intonation and evaluative bias in some-exclamatives. 19th Szklarska Poreba Workshop. Szklarska Poreba, Poland, February 2018.

Erbach, K. Plurals have magnitude. The 19th Szklarska Poreba Workshop, February 2018.

Erbach, K., H. Filip, P. Sutton, & K. Byrdeck. Object Mass as an Arbiter for the Mass/Count Category. The Count-Mass Distinction - A Linguistic Misunderstanding?, May 2018.

Erbach, K., H. Filip, P. Sutton, & K. Byrdeck. Object Mass Nouns Nouns in Japanese. One-to-many relations in morphology, syntax, and semantics workshop at The 40th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society, March 2018.

Filip, H. & P. Sutton  Individuation, Context and the Mass/Count Distinction” (based on the joint work with Peter Sutton). OASIS Network Workshop: Nominal phrase meaning, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin, Germany. January, 2018.

Filip, H.  “Event Individuation via Derived Measurement.” Invited speaker talk at the Workshop on Aspect and Argument Structure of Adverbs and Preposition, Universitat Pompeu FabraBarcelona, Spain. June, 2018. 

Schuster, A., Strößner, C., Sutton, P. & Zeevat, H. Stochastic frames. Presented at:
 - Uncertainty in Meaning and Representation in Linguistics and Philosophy. Jelenia  Góra, February, 2018.
 - Workshop on Records, Frames, and attribute spaces. Berlin, March, 2018
 - CRC 991 Colloquium. HHU Düsseldorf. April, 2018.

Sutton, P. & H. Filip. Coercion: container, contents and measure readings. The Count-Mass Distinction - A Linguistic Misunderstanding?, May 2018.

Sutton, P. Some thoughts on connecting Düsseldorf Frames and TTR. Workshop on Records, Frames, and attribute spaces. Berlin, March, 2018.



Byrdeck, K., K. Erbach, P. Sutton & H. Filip. Object Mass Nouns in Japanese. The 18th Szklarska Poreba Workshop, March 2017.

Erbach, K., H. Filip & P. Sutton. “Hungarian measure phrases, bare singular nouns, and mass/count distinction”. TbiLLC 2017: The 12th International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Lagodekhi, Georgia.

Erbach, K. P. Sutton, H. Filip & K. Byrdeck. Object Mass Nouns in Japanese. The 21st Amsterdam Colloquium. December 2017.

Filip, H. & P. Sutton.  “Singular Count NPs in Measure Constructions” (based on the joint work with Peter Sutton). Colloquium talk, Department of Linguistics, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. November, 2017.

Filip, H. “Singular Count NPs in Measure Constructions.” Semantics Workshop, Organizer: Susan Rothstein, Department of English/Gonda Brain Research Centre, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.  September 2017.

Filip, H. & P. Sutton. Singular Count NPs in Measure Constructions. Semantics and Linguistic Theory 27. University of Maryland, College Park, May 2017

Sutton, P. "Vagueness as the product of learning over a noisy channel". TbiLLC 2017: The 12th International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Lagodekhi, Georgia. September 2017.

Sutton, P.  Restrictions on subkind coercion in object mass nouns. Philosophisches Seminar, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. June 2017.

Sutton, P. Prototypes as Bayesian networks. Workshop on probabilistic approaches to (prototype) concepts. University of Salzburg. September, 2017.

Sutton, P. and H. Filip.“Mass-to-count coercion in ‘granular’ nouns.” Workshop on Coercion Across Linguistic Fields. The 39th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society, Saarbrücken, Germany, March 2017.



Filip, H. and P. Sutton. “Mass/Count Variation: A Two-Dimensional Semantics.” Colloquium talk. Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. November, 2016.

Filip, H. “Perfectivity: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective.“ Workshop on Verbal aspect in contrast: Evidence from Slavic, Romance and Germanic languages, The Norwegian Institute in Rome, Italy

Filip, H. “Restrictions on Subkind Coercion in Superordinate Object Mass Nouns”. Semantics Workshop. Organizer: Susan Rothstein, Department of English, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel. 

Filip, H. “Restrictions on Subkind Coercion.” The 6th Annual Bar-Ilan Slavic/Semantics Workshop. Organizer: Susan Rothstein, Department of English/Gonda Brain Research Centre, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel

Filip, H. “The Semantics of Perfectivity”. Workshop on The profile of event delimitation. Organizers: Lucia. M. Tovena (Université Paris VII) and Marta Donazzan (University of Cologne). The 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy.

Filip, H. & P. Sutton. Rothstein's puzzle: Why can't we count object mass nouns? The 6th Annual Bar-Ilan Slavic & Semantics Workshop, Bar-Ilan University Gonda Brain Research Center, September 2016.

Sutton, P. & H. Filip. Countability: Individuation and Context. Formal Grammar 21. University of Bolzano/Bozen. August 2016

Sutton, P. & H. Filip. Count/Mass Variation and Constraints on Mass-to-Count Coercion. Countability Workshop, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, June 2016.

Sutton, P. And H. Filip. A probabilistic, mereological account of the mass-count distinction. CLASP Seminar, University of Gothenburg. November, 2016.

Sutton, P. & H. Filip. Restrictions on subkind coercion in object mass nouns. Linguistischer Arbeitskreis, Universität Köln, November 2016.

Sutton, P. & H. Filip. Restrictions on subkind coercion in superordinate object mass nouns. Sinn und Bedeutung 21, University of Edinburgh, September 2016.



Filip, H. Five lectures on aspect, genericity and the mass/count distinction. Department of Linguistics, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, October 2015.

Filip, H. Grammaticalization of Generic Markers.  Workshop on Habituality and Genericity in Flux, at the 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of Naples (Italy), July 2015.

Filip, H. Towards a Typology of Perfective Operators. The Aspectual Semantic Zone:  Typology of Systems and Scripts of Diachronic Progresses. Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan, November 2015.

Sutton, P. & H. Filip. A probabilistic, mereological account of the mass/count distinction. TbiLLC 2015, University of Tbilisi, September 2015.

Sutton, P. & H. Filip. Countability in probabilistic mereological type theory with records. Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 8 (SPE8), University of Cambridge, September 2015

Sutton, P. & H. Filip. Mass/Count Variation: a Mereological 2D Supervaluationist Semantics. 11th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication Number: Cognitive, Semantic and Crosslinguistic Approaches, Riga, December 2015.

Sutton, P. & H. Filip. Probabilistic, Mereological TTR and the Mass/Count Distinction. Type Theory and Lexical Semantics (TYTLES) at ESSLLI 2015, Barcelona, August 2015


Filip, H. “Generics and Habitual Markers.” Workshop on Slavic Linguistics organized by Susan Rothstein, Department of English/Gonda Brain Research Centre, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel. March, 2014.                      

Filip, H. “Characterizing Genericity.” Colloquium talk, Department of Linguistics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. March, 2014. 

Filip, H. “Weak and Strong Telicity.” Workshop on Identification and Delimitation of Events (DelimitEvent), organized by Lucia Tovena and Marta Donazzan with the support of the Fédération Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques (FR 2559), Université Paris 7, UFR de Linguistique, Paris, France. March, 2014.

Filip, H. “Habituals and Genericity.” Colloquium talk, Department of Linguistics, University of Rochester, USA. February, 2014.


Filip, H. “The Dimension of change: A factor in the robustness of telic interpretations.” Workshop on Slavic Linguistics. Organizer: Susan Rothstein, Department of English/Gonda Brain Research Centre, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.  March, 2013.


Filip, H. “Talking generically.” Workshop on Slavic Linguistics. Organizer: Susan Rothstein, Department of English/Gonda Brain Research Centre, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.  March, 2012.


Filip, H. “Measures on Events.” Colloquium talk, Department of Slavic Languages and Department of Linguistics, University of Tübingen, Germany. December, 2011.

Filip, H.  “Prefixes and the aspectual structure of verbs.” Workshop on Particle Verbs and Lexical Aspect University of Stuttgart, Germany. December, 2011.


Erbach, K. P. Sutton, H. Filip & K. Byrdeck. Object Mass Nouns in Japanese. The 92st Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT, January 2018.

Erbach, K. Bare singular nouns in Hungarian and the mass/count distinction. The 91st Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, Austin, TX, January 2017.

Sutton, P. & H. Filip. Counting in Context. SALT 26, University of Austin Texas. June 2016.

Sutton, P. & H. Filip. Vagueness, Overlap and Countability. Sinn und Bedeutung 20, University of Tübingen, September 2015.