SMCLC 2011


Simone Alex-Ruf and Claudia Maienborn: On the spatial grounding of time in language: Lexically presupposed temporal reference and event duration

Keren Avirame, Marcus Meinzer and Agnes Floeel: Facilitation of semantic retrieval by observed and executed action

Raymond Becker, Monica Gonzalez-Marquez and Todd R. Ferretti : Sensory contributions to simulations

Martin Butz: Towards Grounding Language in Self-organized Neural Encodings

• Louise Connell and Dermot Lynott: Strength of perceptual experience predicts word processing performance: Beyond concreteness and imageability

Louise Connell, Zhenguang Cai and Judith Holler: Gesture biases pitch representation: Evidence for audiospatial grounding of musical pitch

Simon Harrison, Sukeshini Grandhi and Irene Mittelberg:How sensory input affects gesture production. Insights from the impact of noise on the size and speed of technical gestures

Sander Lestrade: Locations in spatial (motion) expressions