Öffentlicher Vortrag: Frau Prof. Friederike Moltmann


Am Mittwoch, dem 07. Juni, findet ein öffentlicher Vortrag im Rahmen der Forschergruppe statt.


Vortragende: Frau Prof. Friederike Moltmann, Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (IHPST), Universität Paris


Thema: Comparative without degrees


Abstract: Comparatives such as 'John is happier than Mary' are commonly analysed by making use of degrees (roughly, 'The degree of happiness of John exceeds the degree of happiness of Mary'). In the talk I will argue against such an account and in favor of an account that (1) makes use of particularized properties or 'tropes' and (2) makes use of 'implicit nominalization'. According to that analysis, roughly, 'John is happier than Mary' is analysed as 'John's happiness exceeds Mary's happiness. I will show that comparatives are closely related semantically to nominalizations in various respects.


Zeit: 07.06.2006, 14-16 Uhr


Ort: Gebäude 26.11, Hörsaal 6D